Function Of Scanner Is There A CB Radio For An Auto That Also Has A Police Scanner Function?

Is there a CB radio for an auto that also has a police scanner function? - function of scanner

I think asking the addition of a CB radio in my jeep, but also whether there is a function of the police scanner radio?


Copenhagen ring said...

You can use the reports of the bear and 90% of the time to determine if a driver can be a growing community smoking or to go, everyone knows where you are going and pots, which makes on this page. so that a scanner is not really necessary. as straight of a galaxy, and a difference of 949 or 959, the country is the frequency for the most part. that's what I went with him. Sized and radios are great radios. Cobra peiod success is not so honset. some are well outside the box, others are only on paper weight to the right or stop door. However, I recommend you stay away from small, compact radio ... everyone on the Interstate can take you on and it's a real pain. at least if you have a complete takeover of the radio size 4 watts is not too much of a problem that is responsible. So what I recommend personally, but it's just me. Remember that it is better to spend money and something that will last instead of something cheap andTo replace Ving.

advise please said...

No, but you run the CB on channel 19 truck drivers will tell you where the cops are

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