Rubber Band Bracelet Meaning What Does This Mean?

What does this mean? - rubber band bracelet meaning

Well ... then my friend told me several weeks and had hairtie on the wrist ..... Balding tie, a bit like a rubber band ..... said it was our friendship bracelet ....

it has when we are together, he always pinch me throw things at me, pushes me, makes me ...

Does this mean anything?


Killacam said...

he will prolly you, but it still doen knows. give him time.

Killacam said...

he will prolly you, but it still doen knows. give him time.

stefania said...

If 8, pinching, and then, throwing objects, push, push means that he loves you.

indescri... said...

Well, I think the signs of flirting, or show their feelings for you

stinky4s... said...

Probably you please try to understand.

♥Sammi.B... said...

he will probly and then it's done. If you want U 2 discuss further with him if u dont 2 as you want, do not hold it to avoid to hurt.

Grrrr said...

yep. If you like, sounds like he wants more. Maybe he is not sure how he would react. Pinch back!

♥Archie Potter Fanpire♥ said...

It tries to show that he loves and wants more. Now I recommend them know directly that you are her, too, so I have no time to lose, but if you do not, then not only lead him forward, because there really care about you, and it's not matter that much could be easily injured. I know from expierence, and it sucks. So, what do you think is right.

Miguel C said...

The person is obviously flirting with you and want to know more narrowly as possible. I hope that this person of the opposite sex ... Right?

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